Break a Taboo. Start a Habit.
Water, sanitation and hygiene underpin life. Yet many people live without it or are unaware of its importance. WaterAid India commissioned us to conceptualise and develop four animated videos that are aimed at creating an awareness among the public on the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene in our lives.
The key requirement was to come up with a storyboard that would simplify the numbers and present them in a way that the general public can easily grasp and understand the complex issues underlying each message.
WaterAid India is part of the global WaterAid network which has been working for four decades to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene across the world. We worked with WaterAid India from 2015 to 2021 on a large variety of communications such as graphics/infographics for social media, publications, campaigns on menstrual hygiene and covid-19, new year diaries and calendars for three years, and a photo exhibition.

Storyboard and illustrations
The video titled ‘No Shame in Menstruation’ was created with an aim to look at the menstrual hygiene management crisis in India and how it affects the overall well-being of girls and women in our society.
No Shame in Menstruation
English 02:54
This video (in addition to other communication materials that were developed for menstrual hygiene awareness) was appreciated and picked up by the Madhya Pradesh Government, which along with ICDS organised an event on 28th May 2016 to launch a comprehensive initiative to tackle this crisis called Udita. The video was officially showcased at this event in Bhopal by the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister. A shorter 60-second edit was subsequently released on Doordarshan.

Storyboard and illustrations
The handwashing video titled ‘Health in your hands’ looks at the importance of handwashing with an aim to change behaviours. The primary target for this video are children, among others. The video will be screened in schools all over India.
Health in Your Hands
English 02:09
“[…] Tiffinbox has also created animated films for us on different themes in hygiene and those simple but very effective videos have again helped in engaging different audiences across India and also supported our advocacy efforts with key government departments. In fact one of the videos made by them is our most viewed video till date! I’d also wholeheartedly recommend them for their complete professionalism, highly creative and unique design and visual aesthetic and willingness to be flexible and help out even on short notice when needed.”
Anil Cherukupalli,
Media and Communications Manager, WaterAid India