Illustrations for a WWF (India) Project: Saving Wetlands Sky-High!
In 2009, Tiffinbox was approached by WWF-India to design the IEC materials for one of their conservation programmes: Saving Wetlands Sky-High! that focuses on conservation and improving the management of high altitude wetlands in the Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalayan mountain ranges, also called Water Towers of Asia. Amongst some of the most fragile ecosystems on this planet, these wetlands are under increasing threats that directly affect their important role in maintaining the balance of mighty rivers like Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus and Yangtze.
The requirement of this project was to design a folder that would contain all the programme related information along with an insert introducing the programme as a joint initiative of WWF’s regional offices: Pakistan, India, China, Nepal and Bhutan. The scope of this was later increased which led to the creation of factsheets for every high altitude wetland under the programme in these five countries.
This project is quite old which is why a lot of it doesn’t qualify for a showcase on this website. As we looked at each page the only bits which still looked good enough to stay here were the animal vectors, which are still close to our hearts as we put in a lot of effort in creating them.

Country factsheets
These wetlands are home to unique flora and fauna, many of them rare or endangered. We decided to illustrate some of them for the masthead of country factsheets. So we have Himalayan Ibex (Pakistan), Black-necked Crane (India), Takin (Bhutan), Bar-headed Goose (Nepal), Snow Leopard (China) and a Yak (Regional). The illustrations were intended to be photo realistic.

Folder illustration
These wetlands are not only about their flora and fauna but also about the communities that depend on these wetlands for subsistence as pasture grounds for their livestock amongst other needs. The cover of the folder therefore was illustrated to show a holistic picture of this programme.