Bridging the Gap Between the Public and Quality Health Services
The Population Foundation of India (PFI) approached us to design IEC materials in the form of posters and information boards on Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) with the objective to inform the public about RKS, patient rights and grievance redressal mechanisms. The project was a part of a pilot model being developed by PFI for a state government.
* PFI is a national non-profit organisation that works on advocating gender sensitive population, health and development policies. They work with the central and state governments as well as research institutes, civil society, media and the community through cutting-edge advocacy tools.
* Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) / Patient Welfare Committees were constituted under the National Rural Health Mission at Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and above to facilitate public participation in improving the functioning and quality of care aspects. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India developed and disseminated the guidelines for RKS to the states in 2015.

A visit to a community health centre revealed a clutter of messages and information as one enters the facility. This was crucial to our understanding of the space that we had to design for.

Poster for ‘RKS: Roles and Responsibilities’
Another fact that played a key role in developing the design language was that people visiting public health centres are mostly non-literates or those with low literacy levels. Therefore, a poster that’s predominantly visual and uses simple but direct illustrations would be better placed at communicating the key messages. In keeping with this, clean line drawings were done that would stick to the point and leave out any unnecessary visual information. The coloured spotlights further help to bring one’s attention to the key points.

Details of the illustration
A conscious decision was made to show a wider representation of people in the poster like men, women, families, pregnant women, children, infants, elderly, disabled, etc.
These posters were 3x4 feet in size and produced in English and Hindi.

Poster for ‘RKS: Grievance Redressal’
To maintain a singular visual story, this poster too followed the template set by the previous one.

One of the earlier design drafts.