Child-friendly Covid-19 Information Posters
As schools were looking to slowly open up after more than a 6-month long closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic there was a need to supply the government schools with essential hygiene related information. During a photo survey of the actual environment of these schools we saw that the usual method of disseminating information is through wall-paintings at relevant spaces, such as near the hand-washing station, next to the toilet, etc. To avoid any disconnect with the themes of the messages (informational) we decided to carry the same style into our illustrations for the Covid-19 posters as well. The initial raw content available to us was in the form of four posters which we helped segregate into six topical posters with shorter and more relevant information. We also helped rewrite the content into more child-friendly text with crisp and rhyming sentences.
WaterAid India is part of the global WaterAid network which has been working for four decades to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene across the world. We worked with WaterAid India from 2015 to 2021 on a large variety of communications such as graphics/infographics for social media, animated videos on handwashing and menstruation, publications, campaigns on menstrual hygiene, new year diaries and calendars for three years, and a photo exhibition.

To start with, the handwashing poster was split into two: steps (shown here) and critical times (below).

Poster on hygiene etiquette in and around a hand-washing station.

Poster on distancing during important times of a school day.

Poster on important steps to follow before and after toilet use.

Poster on mask using etiquette.